As Laura Amato recently wrote, she has moved up to the college game. Laura is now the college sports reporter at The Record, leaving me to move into her old spot of covering the high school beat.
In my first month or so on the job, I have been asked about Laura on just about every assignment so far. Clearly I have some big shoes to fill. Luckily, she is still around. Keep following her bylines and on Twitter for all the sports news on all the local colleges.
I can't begin to tell you how helpful Laura has been to me while adjusting to my new job. She has answered all my questions and has had contact information for just about anyone I've needed to talk to. My editors, Kevin Moran and Tim Martin, as well as everyone else at The Record have made my transition here as smooth as possible.
Now, a little about myself. I am born in raised in Syracuse (yes, I'm a die-hard Orange fan). I graduated from SUNY Oswego with a journalism degree in May of 2013. I have an older brother, Matt, who will graduate from University of Baltimore Law School next month. Our parents still live in Syracuse. My first job out of college was at Columbia-Greene Media. I was a sports reporter at the Register-Star in Hudson, NY until the end of February.
I am incredibly excited about this opportunity to write for The Record. I am living my dream of being a sports reporter. I look forward to covering many of you in action in the future.
I would love to hear from all of you. If you have any tips or know of anything that you think would make a good story, don't hisitate to let me know. My email is, or you can reach out to me on Twitter, @Sean_TroyRecord. If you see the new reporter wearing Troy Record credentials at your game, feel free to introduce yourself.
I look forward to meeting you in the field.
--Sean Grogan